When you are running an agency, time is always a factor. Especially if you have a ton of clients. Once you start scaling, you start building processes, hiring VAS, creating templates, SOPs and more to save that precious resource.
Saving time is one area GoHighLevel comes in super handy. You can build a snapshot and have new client funnels, follow up and more all ready to go in minutes if you do it correctly.
Although it's pretty dope as is, it's not 100% complete. You've still got ads to launch. I've always been frustrated with going into FB ad manager and reuploading the same dang campaign... going through the same targeting, building the same forms... it's time consuming, it makes my brain hate life doing such boring uncreative labor.
Although it's not too terribly complicated, it does suck up a lot of time going in and filling out all the settings. Wouldn't it be great if you could build a snapshot for your ads and launch in minutes just like you can in GoHighLevel?
Well I got my wish through UpHex.
UpHex has a very cool addition to GoHighLevel that you can add to where you can create ad templates. Think of it like a GoHighLevel Snapshot... but for your ad campaigns.
You basically upload your ad copy, images, targeting, settings etc into their platform once, then in the future you can now use that same template fast with just a few clicks. UpHex integrates directly with your GoHighLevel. Then when you have a new client, you now have a fancy new tab for ads. Either your team or client can launch those ad templates you created in just a few clicks.
Imagine the benefit of offering this for SaaS mode too. Not only can you provide a baller CRM, funnels, snapshots... but you can also offer ads right there in your GoHighLevel. Talk about sticky.
Anyway check it out: UpHex.